Project Management 360 Virtually The 6th Edition: Managing Risk & Business Continuity : Building Resilience For Tomorrow

RM1,944.00 Including SST 8%

Date: 25th -27th October 2021

Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  (4 hours / day)

*Please purchase this course in single order

Available pax


The covid19 pandemic situation has made project management in the past year especially challenging. And risk management has been the core in scenario planning in projects during this difficult period. In addition, businesses and organizations faced frequent unplanned disruptions. And the rapid technology adoption in organizations has exposed them to hidden threats in cybersecurity.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the current development and trends in project risk management, business continuity management, and cybersecurity domains.
  • Prepare for challenges in managing projects and threats in the current covid19, and post covid19 environment.


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